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Decentralisation is the process of distributing people, powers, functions or assets away from a central location or authority.

This is what we do.

If you think you business processes might be improved by decentralisation, get in touch with us. We can help. Blockchains too. And they are our friends. 😃

Some of our references

European Commission

For DG DIGIT, Directorate-General for Informatics at the European Commission in Brussels, we managed projects related to Human Ressources processes to prepare HR departement to face the coming digital transformation.


We provided information technology services and professional services. We worked with them providding IT project management and business process analysis.


We intervened as Project Manager to help a Trasys's customer to align project management methodologies.

Brussels School of Competition

The Brussels School of Cognitive Technology and Law (BSCTL) organised an education program dedicated to the legal and public policy questions raised by the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cognitive technologies. We are speaker in the sessions "Blockchain and Cruptocurrencies" and "Smart Contracts"


We moved the social election process to an online event using our proprietary evoting solution for Zaventem and Charleroi locations (Belgium).

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We Stopped our activities

Thanks to all our clients. We closed our company in 2022.